Acts Pt. 10 - The Sin of “Self”ishness SermonWilliam EyerdomSeptember 15, 2024Series: Acts, Andy Wenthold
Acts Pt. 4 – Sermon at Pentecost SermonWilliam EyerdomJuly 14, 2024Series: Acts, Andy Wenthold, Pentecost
Parables Pt. 4 – Faithfulness in Prayer SermonWilliam EyerdomMay 5, 2024Series: Parables, Andy Wenthold
Parables Pt. 2 – A Lesson from Neighborly Love SermonWilliam EyerdomApril 14, 2024Series: Parables, Andy Wenthold
Parables Pt. 1 – Introduction and Matthew 5 SermonWilliam EyerdomApril 7, 2024Series: Parables, Andy Wenthold
Living as a City on a Hill – What is My Role in God’s Church? SermonWilliam EyerdomMarch 31, 2024Single Sermon, Andy Wenthold
Easter 2024: The Power of Dying, then Living, with Christ SermonWilliam EyerdomMarch 31, 2024Easter, Single Sermon, Andy Wenthold