Purpose Statement
In obedience to Jesus Christ’s Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8), Faith Bible Church is committed to making disciples “of all nations”, “to the end of the earth”, through active participation in efforts across the globe to proclaim the forgiveness of sins and abundant life available through faith in Jesus Christ for the ultimate glory of God.
Harrison Kuria & family, serving through Word of Life, focusing on youth outreach and local church ministry
Abraham Thomas, serving through Agape Royal Ministries, an organization bringing the light of Christ to India and several other countries in South Asia
A team working in the southern Philippine islands in areas where the hope of the Gospel has rarely (if ever) been proclaimed, sharing the Good News faithfully amidst frequent opposition.
Laurie Soliday, serving through Campus for Christus (CRU), discipling college students to be the next generation of Gospel leaders
Word of Life Missions Board
Ryan Williamson, director of missionary care and development for World of Life International Ministries, encouraging both new missionaries and seasoned veterans in their work of spreading the Gospel around the globe.