Event Request Form 

Please use this form to submit any event requests to the office. Please provide as much information as possible so we can clearly describe your event on the web site and in the bulletin. Events must be submitted 2 weeks in advanced, and you must receive confirmation from the office for your event to be finalized and put on the church calendar.

Building Use Agreement

Rules for use

Please leave the building in the same condition or better than you found it.

Thermostats - Do not adjust the thermostats.
Garbage - The garbage needs to be placed in the outside dumpster and all trash cans need to be relined. The liners are located in the supply closet.
Floors - The carpet should be vacuumed. The gym floor should be swept. If needed, please mop the floor. The vacuums are located in the supply closet.
Bathrooms - Please pick up any paper from the floor, make sure all toilets are flushed, and clean up sink areas.
Kitchen - Please do not use any church paper products. Return laundered towels as soon as possible. Sweep and mop the kitchen floor if needed. Please do not leave anything in the refrigerator.
Furniture - Please return all furniture to its original location.
Lights - Please turn off all lights.
Doors - Please make sure all doors are locked before leaving the building.
Nursery - Please refrain from using the nursery unless prior approval has been arranged.
Outside - Please remember you are responsible for the outside of the church also. Please make sure all garbage is picked up around the building.

Remember the building and grounds are a smoke free environment. No smoking is allowed. Please ask your guests to refrain from smoking.

PDF Form to download, sign, and scan or return physically to the office.