Hosea Pt. 4 –God’s Contention with Israel Pt.1

1.What does this passage teach us about God, and what does that mean for us today?

2.What happens when I fail to “keep a knowledge of God” in my heart and life? How can I correct it?

3.We discussed how their spiritual leadership had failed to lead the people faithfully towards God, and how the people had failed by excusing and committing sin. How has God designed the church to guard against both of these failures by His new covenant people and how do we participate!?

4.Israel had abandoned their covenant, following after idols, living for selfish desire, and seeking counsel from walking sticks. What do these tendencies look like in MY life and what does it look like to have repentance and “Godly grief” and not “worldly sorrow?” (2 Cor. 7:10)